Seoni, Oct 14 (PTI) A tiger cub was found dead in thecore area of Pench Tiger Reserve (PTR) near here, a forestdepartment official said.
"Our ground duty staffers during patrolling found thecarcass of the cub in Karmajhiri range of PTR yesterday," theReserve field director S Sen said today.
Prima facie it appears that the one-and a-half-yearcub had died in a territorial fight as a tiger was seen nearbody, he said.
The field director said post-mortem of the cubsuggests that it died due to the injuries it sustained to itsneck.
Viscera of the cub has been sent to forensiclaboratory for test, he added.
Body of the animal was disposed off as per thedirectives of the National Tiger Conservation Authority(NTCA), Sen said. PTI COR LAL MASRMT.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.