VIJAYAWADA: Dr PV Rama Rao, Head of Children’s Services & Director, Andhra Hospitals highlighted the importance of Vijayawada Mother’s Milk at Andhra hospitals, which was started for the first time in the State in collaboration with Rotary club of Vijayawada, on the occasion of World Breastfeeding week celebrations.
As all of us know the benefits of breastfeeding are recognised the world over, with studies showing that exclusively breastfed children are 14 times less likely to die in the first six months than non-breastfed children. Yet, in low-income countries, only 39 % of children under six months are exclusively breastfed. He said “We are taking initiative to spread the message of human milk donation and increasing our efforts to help the delivered mothers and babies to follow the optimal breastfeeding practices.” Director of Rainbow Children’s Hospital Dr Ram Prasad said that they are going to inaugurate Mother Milk Bank on the premises of their hospital. The hospital management felicitated the mothers who donated 200 liters of milk so far. As a part of breast feeding celebrations.