VIJAYAWADA: The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Monday adjourned the hearing of the bail plea by former Macherla MLA and YSRC leader Pinnelli Ramakrishna Reddy to August 14.
During the hearing, Justice VRK Krupa Sagar raised a query regarding the Roaster, asking whether the case should be heard by Justice T. Mallikarjuna Rao or himself. The decision will be announced on that date.
When the case came up for hearing before Justice Krupa Sagar, senior advocate N. Ashwin Kumar, special counsel for the police department, argued that since the cases against the petitioner had been dealt with by Justice Mallikarjuna Rao, the latest bail plea should also be transferred to him. He cited Supreme Court directions stating that the judge who heard the original petitions should hear any subsequent related petitions.
After hearing arguments from both sides, judge VRK Krupa Sagar said he would carefully study the issue and announce his decision on August 14, adjourning the case hearing to that date