KOCHI: The state GST department on Tuesday carried out raids at the houses and studios of makeup artists across Kerala and found massive tax evasion to the tune of Rs 32.5 crore. The raid was held at around 50 places following a tip-off regarding the tax evasion.
“Several makeup artists and studios offer services such as photoshoots, celebrity makeup and bridal makeup. However, a majority of them are operating at their houses or as freelancers without GST registration. Similarly, those operating studios have either not filed assessments or disclosed less details on GST. We have been monitoring these individuals and establishments for the past six months,” said an officer.
The raid started early in the morning and continued till night. The inspections were also held at the houses of popular makeup artists in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi and Thrissur. “Though we have not quantified the total tax evasion, we estimate it to be over `100 crore. Some makeup artists charge fees in lakhs. The checking will continue as more individuals are involved in the tax evasion,” he said.
As per officials, the penalty would be imposed on the offenders after assessing the GST evasion, following which prosecution measures will be initiated. “We have seized several volumes of documents. Also, the bank account details have to be checked,” he said.