MALAPPURAM: Nilambur MLA P V Anvar on Friday raised serious allegations against top police officers in Kerala, including ADGP M R Ajith Kumar. He accused the latter of accepting Rs 1.5 crore in exchange for not slapping serious charges on Shajan Scaria, the editor of a YouTube news channel, in a case.
Anvar also claimed that Ajith Kumar used a significant portion of a teak tree, cut from the compound of the Malappuram SP’s camp office, to make a dining table for his residence. The MLA said the rest of the tree, valued at Rs 57,000, were sold for Rs 20,000 in a bidding process during the tenure of former Malappuram SP Sujith Das. He also criticised Malappuram SP S Sasidharan. Anvar also accused Das of using a mahogany tree from the SP’s camp office compound to create furniture for his residence.
Following his accusations, the CPM district leadership summoned the MLA to the district committee office. Anvar reportedly provided an explanation regarding his allegations to the party leadership. However, both Anvar and party district secretary, E N Mohandas, denied these reports.