ERODE: State Housing and Urban Development Minister S Muthusamy said that the BJP cannot corner the state government with the Athikadavu-Avinashi project. Speaking to the reporters here on Saturday, Muthusamy said, “Chief Minister M K Stalin came to Coimbatore on Friday and he asked us about the Athikadavu-Avinashi project. Following this, on Saturday, we consulted the related officials and during the meeting officials sought a report as to when the project could be implemented, and based on that they will give us a report within two days. Later, that report will be submitted to the Chief Minister, and based on CM’s instruction further action will be taken.”
Muthusamy further said, “We are only thinking if we can continue providing the water in the current situation because other irrigation projects should not be affected by this project. On August 15, the water will be released from the Lower Bhavani Dam to the Lower Bhavani Project Canal. At the same time, if the rain decreases, water should be released for Kalingarayan irrigation. Hence, we are taking all of this into consideration.”
“There are six pumping stations under this scheme. A delay in land acquisition in the areas where the first three pumping stations are located has delayed the completion of the project. Along with this, we have given a complete explanation of this scheme. Despite that, other political parties are making various accusations against the government. The BJP cannot corner the state government with the Athikadavu-Avinashi project.”
Erode District Collector Raja Gopal Sunkara and others accompanied the minister.