TIRUCHY: Despite high demand and repeated requests for a Vande Bharat (VB) service between Tiruchy and Bengaluru, the railway administration has still not green signalled the appeal. Seeking answers to the status of the demand, this reporter filed an RTI application.
In response, Central Public Information Officer, Railway Board, Vivek Kumar Sinha said, "The information sought is futuristic in nature and does not merit to be defined as information under the RTI Act, 2005."
For another query regarding the receipt of a proposal about such a service from the Southern Railway (SR), South Western Railway (SWR), or the Tiruchy Railway Division, Sinha said, "Receipt of proposals, including from SR and SWR, their processing, and decisions thereon, after due examination, is an on-going process...."
When contacted and apprised of the RTI reply, several senior railway officials and retired officials expressed surprise.
"Officers can avoid queries on future plans. But, whether the ministry received any proposal needs clarity. The officer has to give either yes or no with details. The reply claiming it is an ongoing process is absurd, as action on any proposal is an ongoing process," said a retired railway officer.
A section of passengers wondered if the VB service was not initiated for the benefit of omnibuses and airlines that ply between the cities. Several officials have admitted that both SR and SWR are well aware of the high demand for a Tiruchy-Bengaluru VB service.