CHENNAI: A departmental inquiry has been initiated against a police inspector attached to the Pallavaram All Women Police Station for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 20,000 for registering an FIR. Upon realising that her colleagues got to know about the bribe, the inspector, Sumathi, refrained from filing the FIR and asked the complainant to take back the money.
Sources said a 22-year-old woman lodged a complaint at Pallavaram AWPS last month claiming that a man impregnated her twice under the pretext of marriage in 2022. Then they got married in a secret ceremony in January this year. However, in August, he ditched her and married his relative, she claimed.
Initially, Sumathi did not register a complaint. When the victim pressed her to take action, Sumathi demanded Rs 20,000 as a bribe. “She took the money and still did not file an FIR for a few days. Dejected, the complainant informed an SI at the station about the bribe.
When Sumathi came to know about this, she immediately called up the victim over the phone and told her to take back the money. She also claimed that the complainant was giving her a bad name among her officers,” the source added. This audio call went viral and subsequently a departmental inquiry was initiated against Sumathi.