COIMBATORE: Federation of Coimbatore Industrial Association (FOCIA), which is a conglomeration of 23 industrial associations, expressed disappointment as the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has rejected its appeal to convert electricity connection category from III (B) to III A(1) for small industries that consume 12 kW. It has appealed to the chief minister to intervene in the issue.
FOCIA coordinator J James issued a press release stating, “After SMEs from Coimbatore raised the issue with Chief Minister, in May 2323, he announced that category of electricity connection would be changed from III (A)(1) from III (B) for small industries that consume below 12kW. The conversion will bring down tariff to Rs 4.65 from Rs 9.60 per unit up to 500 units. As small industries are reeling under the rise in power tariff and fixed charges, we were hoping to recover once the category is changed, but it has not happened till date.”
James said the TNEB sent them a letter dated January 23, 2025 in which the chief engineer of Coimbatore region G Sathish Kumar, Financial Controller of Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Limited, said, “It has been requested in the letter by FOCIA for automatic Tariff change from III B to III A I through software itself without consumer request for the industrial services having 12 kW below.
Such tariff conversion from III B to III A 1 takes prospective effect from the date of effect as specified in sub-regulation 9(2) of the Supply Code on application by the concerned consumer with production of necessary documents as mandated in the tariff order. It is already clarified by the TNERC, the demand of FOCIA for auto tariff change for the industrial services having 12 kW & below loads without consumer request is not feasible of compliance.”
James said the conversion would not be carried out automatically and industrial units should file applications individually. “Around 1.65 lakh small industries will benefit if the department carries out the conversion in an automatic manner as carried out for the power factor system that was implemented in June last year,” he said.