In a first, Ordnance Clothing Factory Avadi set to export military attire to Suriname

The first consignment of 4,500 uniforms was flagged off by OCF general manager B S Reddy on Tuesday.
The first consignment of uniforms was dispatched on Tuesday
The first consignment of uniforms was dispatched on Tuesday (Photo | Shiba Prasad Sahu)
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1 min read

CHENNAI: In what it termed as the first ever export order for defence uniforms in India, the Ordnance Clothing Factory in Avadi, a unit of Troop Comforts Limited (TCL) of the Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs), said it will be exporting Rs 1.71 crore worth military uniforms to Republic of Suriname to strengthen the mutual ties between the two countries.

The first consignment of 4,500 uniforms was flagged off by OCF general manager B S Reddy on Tuesday. The military uniforms are offered by the ministry of defence under the Defence Diplomacy Fund to Suriname. It is learnt that another consignment worth Rs 5 crore is in the pipeline.

During the event, OCF executives said it has initiated an ambitious and visionary project for “Future Soldier System”, focussing on a comprehensive, integrated and technologically advanced clothing solution for soldiers.

Sources said OCF, which has tie-ups with multiple renowned institutions in the country, is working on lighter uniforms as well as going in for digital printing and antibacterial camouflage dress for troops.

OCF has developed ultra-lightweight ballistic helmets, which were successfully tried out at the National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The helmet weighs just 0.9 kg, when compared to the 1.35 kg of the existing standard variant.

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