ADILABAD: In a poignant incident, an 11-year-old girl, Meera Durga, begged for money from the public for the funeral expenses of her mother, who died by suicide at Bheltharoda village, Thanoor mandal of Nirmal district, on Sunday. Durga’s father had passed away 12 years ago, leaving her mother without any financial support.
A Class 6 student, Durga was clueless as to how to perform the last rites of her mother without money. Upon learning of her plight, local police, teachers and BRS leaders stepped in to provide money to the girl and help her perform the final rites of her mother by evening.
According to police, M Gangamani (35), mother of Durga, hanged herself from a ceiling fan Saturday night, in Bheltharoda. A daily wage agriculture labourer, Gangamani struggled hard to earn to pay rent and meet other financial needs while raising her only daughter.
According to police, Gangamani had an argument with Durga before the latter went to stay with her mother’s elder sister. When the girl returned, she found her mother’s body and alerted the neighbours, who then called the police. Unsure of how to proceed, Meera placed her mother’s body outside their home and appealed for help from the villagers.
Knowing about the dire situation, Mudhole circle police staff contributed Rs 8,000, while local BRS leaders Kiran Komewar and others contributed Rs 10,000, following instructions from BRS working president KT Rama Rao. Rama Rao also assured further assistance to the girl.