Unholy mess

Thousands of Ganesha idols were immersed into the Ulsoor Lake during the Ganesha festival.
Unholy mess

BANGALORE: Thousands of Ganesha idols were immersed into the Ulsoor Lake during the Ganesha festival. The debris is getting cleared up but not fast enough. Even as the BBMP is making efforts to clear the garbage, the stench has become unbearable for residents residing in the vicinity.

“It is difficult to stand outside even for a minute. This is a common phenomenon after every Ganesha festival and we have been repeatingly making complaints to the civic body,” said Shiv Shankar, a resident of Ulsoor.

It is even more difficult for the college students of RBANMS institute which is right opposite the Lake who complain of smell and find it difficult when they are in they are in class.

Though the Palike is on the job, as the idols are still being immersed, it becomes difficult them to clean it up sooner, Shiv added.

The disposal of all sort of garbage on the road that runs along the lake is causing the bad smell.

More that two lakh Ganesha idols were immersed in the tank this year and the Palike has taken up serious efforts to clear the tank.

“The cleaning activity is in process and it will take minimum two to three days to complete. Ganesha immersion is still happening and removing the debris is a continuous activity,” said sources from the Palike.

Moreover, the cleaning is going to take some time because it is difficult to take the JCB inside the lake and hence all the cleaning has to be done manually, added the official.

The lake has to cleaned at the earliest because the dasara festival is approaching and there will be immersion of idols again.

“Within a day or two the tank will be cleared and the people can heave a sigh of relief,” said the official.  

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