NEW DELHI: GreenBrrew, an Indian brand of green coffee, is all set to dominate Indian market with flavoured green coffee in two exciting variants i.e. lemon and strong.
Already enjoying the strong popularity among coffee enthusiasts with its natural flavor, GreenBrrew is a name synonymous to healthy choice for 'coffee-time' on the go.
According to the Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health, drinking sugary beverages has been shown to increase the number of calories a person consumes later in the day, possibly because sweetened drinks may prompt cravings for sweet, carbohydrate-rich foods, for example.
Drinking sugary beverages also amplifies the risk of weight gain in people who have a genetic predisposition to obesity.
While scientists haven't reached a consensus as to whether or not green coffee can enhance the weight loss efforts, drinking green coffee in lieu of soda, sports drinks or other high-calorie beverages is undoubtedly a step in the right direction.
"It's an excellent source of antioxidant flavonoids and drinking several cups of green coffee a day has been associated with a significantly lower risk of dying from heart disease. To protect your health and stick to your weight loss plan, drink plain green coffee. If you find it too bitter, try steeping it for a shorter amount of time - green coffee becomes bitter when it's over-steeped," said CEO, GreenBrrew, Aditya Goel.
GreenBrrew's green coffee contains two major types of compounds that help lose weight. Stimulants, primarily chlorogenic acid gives energy and cause body's metabolism to burn calories faster. In this way, green coffee improves calories "out" of the equation of weight loss. It also contains diuretics that make one urinate more frequently and hence increases intake of water resulting into detoxification.
"If you drink GreenBrrew's green coffee before each meal instead of high-calorie beverages like soda, milk, and water, you will reduce the number of calories you take in. It can reduce your meal portions enough to lose more than a pound per month above your other weight loss efforts. This works because green coffee is a calorie-free liquid that you use to fill your belly instead of something that does not contain calories," added Goel.
Nutritionists recommend Green Coffee to be taken without sugar since green coffee's weight-loss benefits come mostly from what it doesn't provide - calories, sweetening it with sugar simply turns it into a vehicle for extra calories. Even if the diet is healthy, well-balanced and otherwise low in added sugars, sweetening your green coffee could negatively affect your weight loss efforts in other ways. (NewsVoir)