NEW DELHI: Oil marketing companies (OMCs) on Monday slashed the price of commercial LPG by Rs 171.5 per cylinder. Now, a 19-kg commercial cylinder, which is used in restaurants and hotels, will cost Rs 1,856.5 in the national capital, down from Rs 2,028.
This is the second straight monthly reduction in commercial LPG prices and last time it was cut by Rs 91.5 per 19-kg cylinder on April 1. The two reductions, however, haven’t neutralised the Rs 350.5 per cylinder price hikes affected from March 1.
However, there is no change in domestic LPG prices. OMCs have also cut ATF (aviation turbine fuel) price by 2.45% in line with the international trends. According to the price notification, jet fuel rates were reduced by Rs 2,414.25 per kilolitre to Rs 95,935.34 per kl in Delhi. This is the third straight monthly reduction in rates. Prices were cut by 4% (Rs 4,606.50 per kl) on March 1 and by 8.7% (Rs 9,400.68 per kl) on April 1.
The oil companies revise cooking gas prices on the 1st of every month based on average international prices in the previous month. However, petrol and diesel prices, however, continued to remain on freeze for a record 13th month in a row.