NEW DELHI: Hindenburg Research on Sunday said a statement issued by Sebi chief Madhabi Puri Buch and husband Dhaval Buch confirms that the couple had invested in an obscure Bermuda/Mauritius fund structure alongside money allegedly siphoned by Vinod Adani, the brother of Gautam Adani.
“She (Madhabi Buch) also confirmed the fund was run by a childhood friend of her husband, who at the time was an Adani director. Sebi was tasked with investigating investment funds relating to the Adani matter, which would include funds Buch was personally invested in and funds by the same sponsor which were specifically highlighted in our original report. This is a conflict of interest,” said the US-based short-seller.
Report questioned the legitimacy of Buch’s statement, which claims the two consulting companies she set up, including the Indian entity and the opaque Singaporean entity “became dormant on her appointment with Sebi” in 2017, with her husband taking over starting in 2019.
‘2 entities became dormant’
Report questioned legitimacy of Buch’s statement, which claims the two consulting companies she set up became dormant on her appointment with Sebi