Chemo hits your taste buds? Try these recipes

Here’s a vegetarian recipe book for cancer patients who lose their appetite during and after treatment

CHENNAI: While cancer by itself may not kill your appetite, chemo and radiation therapy certainly does. Fight cancer with flavour by Gitanjali Gurubaxmi — a vegetarian recipe book that aims to give nutritious and delicious food to cancer patients — was launched in the city at VS Hospitals on Tuesday.

Loss of appetite and taste is one of the most difficult aspects of cancer management. The book is an attempt to help patients fight cancer while they rejuvenate their appetite and find healthier reasons to eat. “Eating the right kinds of food before and after treatment can help a patient stay healthier and stronger,” said Gitanjali.

Dr S Subramanian
Dr S Subramanian

The book has recipes on a variety of soups, smoothies, juices, snacks, rice, dals, curries, breads and even desserts. Grilled capsicum and pumpkin soup, chickoo and flaxseed smoothie, khatta dhokla, brown rice dosa and bakes kiwi yoghurt are only some of the many dishes in the book.

The book is an initiative by Boehringer
Ingelheim, a leading pharmaceutical company in the world, which has a foreword written by Shabnam Singh (mother of Yuvraj Singh who battled cancer). Speaking at the launch, Dr S Subramanian, senior medical oncologist of VS Hospitals who launched the book also raised awareness on early-prevention of cancer.

Cervical Cancer
It is caused by Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV) that is transmitted sexually. Women who have sex with multiple partners are more likely to contract it. It is essential for all married women to get a pap smear done. If detected in the early stages, the cancer is easy to treat. It is endorsed that virgin women get the three-course HPV vaccine.

The New Indian Express