Knowledge destroys darkness of ego

Occasionally our mind may be pure, filling us with humility and serenity
Knowledge destroys darkness of ego

As human beings, all of us have three basic qualities from which all our other virtues and vices arise. They are: [1] Inertia [2] Expectation and [3] Purity.

All of us have these three qualities and their relative proportion keeps fluctuating frequently within us. Sometimes our inertia may take the upper hand giving rise to sloth, indifference and lack of consideration. At other times we may generate a lot of expectations leading to impatience, hyperactivity and aggressiveness. Occasionally our mind may be pure, filling us with selflessness, humility and serenity. Despite this fluctuation, one of these qualities will dominate us most of the time and colour our whole personality including the way we think, feel, behave and experience our lives. This will also decide what kind of karma we are generating at every moment and how it will manifest.

Based on this predominant quality that is constantly sending out its vibrations to them, the people we meet and interact with, will evaluate and brand us. So, these qualities also decide the image we project to society and the way it affects our relationships, prosperity and success.

Now we know how vital and important it is to understand these three qualities in ourselves. So, first of all let us look at the component of inertia. How do we recognise it within us? If we are operating under a high degree of inertia at the physical level, it will manifest itself as sloth or laziness.

However, if this quality dominates our minds, we are indifferent towards most things because nothing interests or inspires us. We have no enthusiasm or zest for life. We also have a strong tendency to hold on to our mindsets and block all fresh information. Even when we make mistakes, we justify our actions because we do not want to recognise our own shortcomings or correct them. The inertia in us does not allow the light of knowledge to penetrate the darkness of our ignorance and illumine us. When our intellect is inert, it becomes paralysed.

So, we go into a state of inaction and hibernation which is very traumatic and can make our life more problematic than ever.  This induces us to unnecessarily postpone even crucial tasks that have to be attended to immediately. So, conflict, confusion, problems and worries fill our lives. If a person is still on a very low rung of evolution, the quality of inertia will express itself through an attitude of extreme selfishness, lack of consideration, sadism or cruelty towards others.

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