Water, the essence of life

The almond tree (botanical name Terminalia catappa) is known for helping us to retain our spiritual vibrations and enhancing them.

When we meditate under the canopy of this tree it [i] increases our intuitive faculties [ii] confers spiritual wisdom [iii] activates selfless love and humility [iv] brings prosperity in our profession and business [v] motivates us to work quietly and efficiently for the welfare of others with no desire for fame, appreciation or recognition.

The Pine Tree

The pine trees (botanical name Genus pinus) with their tall trunks, beautiful green whispering foliage and strong branches symbolise immortality. Their cones traditionally represent fertility.

The shade of a pine tree is charged with its vitality. So, when we meditate there it [i] completely revitalises and recharges us [ii] confers good health [iii] improves our financial situation [iv] removes our energy blocks [v] gives us a feeling of joyful well being [vi] reconnects us to the Soul.

Now, my friend we have understood many of the physical, mental, transactional and spiritual benefits of meditating under various kinds of trees to recharge ourselves and strengthen different qualities.

Let us go one step further and understand how to harmonise ourselves with the elements of water and fire.

Meditating on the water element

Water purifies everything that comes in contact with it. Though it is tasteless, colourless and odourless, water takes on the taste, colour and smell of whatever we add to it.

Since water is a liquid, it has no shape of its own, but it takes on the shape of whatever container it is poured into.

Purity, adaptability and fluidity are the chief characteristics of water which are also activated within us when we meditate upon it. Therefore, when we sit near water to meditate, our harsh and aggressive emotions become soft, subtle and sublime.

The mind drops its hard rigidity and melts into gentle fluidity and benign purity. So, we attain complete focus and clarity.

Along with this, the basic property of the water body on which we are meditating is also passed on to us: _ When we meditate sitting in front of static water like pools, ponds and lakes it sends very calm, soothing and healing energies to us. This increases our inner serenity, stability and equanimity.

Our thoughts disappear and the mind becomes completely still bringing total concentration and absorption in meditation.

* When we meditate near flowing water bodies like streams, brooks, cascades and rivers, the fluidity of the water and the sound created by the flow removes all our energy blocks, loosens our mindsets and fills us with fresh energy. This increases our creativity and problemsolving ability. We feel fully charged and energized and ready to take on anything. Since all the blocks and knots of energy are dissolved, the mind plunges into meditation.

* When we meditate near the ocean, its infinite vastness, mighty waves and relentless strength exhilarate and overwhelm us. We are filled with awe. As we grapple with these feelings, our complacent assumptions and presumptions about our own supremacy come crashing down, breaking the dam of the ego. The quality of humility gushes out from the heart and triggered by the cosmic power, connects us to the limitless fount of cosmic energy and exuberance called the soul.

This article is taken from the book “Between You and Me — Meditation Made Simple” by His Holiness Shri Shri Nimishananda Guruji

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