To ensure that clean drinking water is accessible to people in the urban areas of the state, the Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) will test the water quality in all the 218 urban local bodies (ULBs).
KSPCB Chairman, Dr Vamanacharya said, “The water samples would be collected from borewells supplying drinking water to ULBs. We already identified over 1,000 such borewells and collected 364 samples.”
Vamanacharya said the samples would be tested for alkalinity, biochemical oxygen demand, fluoride, PH levels, E coli, total dissolved solids turbidity and nitrates in residential areas.
In industrial areas, the water samples would be tested for sulphate, chloride, phenol, total hardness, calcium, cyanide, ammonia, copper, zinc, iron cadmium, manganese, lead, chromium and nickel.
The KSPCB will coordinate with the deputy commissioner (DC) of each district to ensure that all public ground water sources are tested and certified.
The DCs would be instructed to cut off water supply from borewells with non-potable water and to install water purification units in areas, where fluoride contamination is high.
In areas, where heavy metal contamination is traced, the KSPCB will trace the source of contamination and take suitable action against erring industries.
“We are also planning to put up boards stating that the water source is contaminated and the water is not fit for consumption near contaminated borewells,” Vamanacharya said.