Connect With Nature to Feel Liberated

Connect With Nature to Feel Liberated

We live in an age of seemingly limitless information. The weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than the average person was exposed to during an entire lifetime in seventeenth-century England. Over the years, I have found that spending time alone in natural surroundings connects me to the larger universe around me and restores my spirit in this hurried age.

After a busy week of speaking engagements, book signings and media appearances, the  simple act of sitting in a wooded park and listening to the wind move through the leaves fills me with a sense of quiet and  peace. My priorities become clearer, my obligations seem less pressing and my mind  grows still.

Communing with nature is also an excellent way to unlock your creativity and generate new ideas. Newton formulated the laws of gravity while relaxing under an apple tree. Likewise Swiss designer George de Mestral developed Velcro after examining the burdock burrs that cling to his dog while he hiked in the mountains.

Natural surroundings serve to stifle the endless chatter that fills our minds so that our true brilliance can be liberated.  And while you spend time enjoying nature, observe your surroundings with deep concentration. Study the complexity of a flower or the way the current moves in a sparkling stream. Take your shoes off and feel the grass under your feet. Give silent thanks that you have the privilege of enjoying these special gifts of nature. Many people do not.

As Mahatma Gandhi observed, “When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the  moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator.”

Excerpt from Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma.

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