Take small bites, speed's sour

Today’s lifestyle is completely changed by all means, our diet pattern, life styles and behavioural pattern is changed and it is not suitable for our normal physiology of digestion of the body. Hyperacidity is the commonest disease of the speedy, fashionable and fast-food based modern life.

According to Ayurveda hyperacidity or gastritis is known as Amlapitta. This is a disease caused by the excessive acidic nature of Pitta inside the body. Amlapitta is clearly described in classical text of Madhava nidana as the following.

In amlapitta the quantity of pachaka pitta is increased. its quality of normal bitter taste (alkaline) is changed to more sour taste (acidic) as a result of fermentation. Because of this increased sour quality of pitta it is called amla (sour) - pitta

Ayurveda talks of two types of amlapitta:

Urdhwaga amlapitta- affects upper gastro-intestinal tract including acidic erruction, bad taste, salivation, stomatitis, vomiting tendency and vomiting of acidic yellowish contents, pain after taking meal burning sensation in chest and in throat, along with temporal headache.

Adhoga amlapitta – affects lower gastro-intestinal tract including irregular loose motion with or without pain, thirst, burning sensation, fainting, giddiness, dilusion, skin rashes, urticarial (allergic patches), sweating and pale colouration of body.

Ayurvedic line of Management

The treatment approach is depending on the type of Amlapitta (Adhoga or Urdhwaga type)

1. The first step towards your health will be correcting your digestive function with appetizing herbs to increase the digestive power

2. Ahara/ Food + Vihara/ lifestyle - you will need to follow a special diet and lifestyle prescribed for you3. Shamana treatment - Pacifying treatment this is done when there is only a slight vitiation of doshas

3. Shodhana treatment

Ahara (Diet)

Alleviation of cause is the first line of management for any kind of disease. As a rule, all persons with acidity can take a milk diet excellently, although some, at first have trouble in absorbing milk. This is because the large amount of acid in the stomach forms hard curds combined with the proteins of the milk. Often these are vomited. Yet milk is excellent in the condition, especially when preceded by a fast, adjusted to your general condition.

The milk diet should be adhered to several weeks if possible. Along with this, drink warm water. According to ayurveda, “hot destroys hot” (ushnam ushnena hanti). Moreover, it has been found by physiological experiments that cold water increases the amount of acid secreted in the stomach. When the stomach seems to be in better condition, the milk may be taken with an evening meal consisting of easily digestible and non-irritating foods.

It is important to take small meals, three times a day. Avoid artificial stimulants, all of which raise pitta. Alcohol, in any form, is like throwing fuel on the pitta fire. The drawback of the caffeine in coffee and tea is that it increases acid production in stomach if consumed excessively.

Even an excess intake of sweets can cause acidity, particularly if wrongly combined with other food types.

Yoga for Hyperacidity

Yogic exercises and meditation keeps your overall internal system (digestive system, nervous system) and external system in good condition. Depression, anxiety worsens the acidity disease so try to live a stress-free life for healthy and happy living. Some of the useful yoga postures are Surya namaskar, Sarvangasan, Bhujangasan and Sitkari Pranayam.

As we all are genetically different with different constitutions and patterns, we respond to treatments in many different ways. Hence Standard Ayurvedic Treatments are always individually formulated. For specific treatment, always consult with a qualified Ayurvedic physician.

What causes Amlapitta?

•Sedentary life style• incompatible combinations of food such as milk and fruit, milk and fish, cold and hot drinks etc. (Virudha ahara)• contaminated food (leftover food), stale food• fermented food• excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks• improper sleeping habits• sour, pungent hot and salty food• deep fried food, spicy food• day sleeping after having food intake• suppression of natural urges (Vegavarodha)• stress, anger (increase of Raja dosha)• coffee, carbonated drinks, smoking

Symptoms of Amlapitta

Indigestion• dyspepsia• sour eruptions• pain in cardiac region• loss of appetite, gurgling sound in the abdomen• thirst• burning sensation in throat and chest• headache• heaviness in the abdomen• diarrhoea• fatigue

Associated complaints (in chronic condition) :  Irregular bowel habits, pricking in the shoulder or back, untimely hunger, severe burning sensation followed with thirst, mouth ulcer, fatigue (especially in legs), neuritis (numbness), backache etc.

Dr Chaya Jambigi is a Chief Ayurveda Physician and Counsellor Serenity Wellness Institute

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