'Stabbed Karnataka Lokayukta Justice P Vishwanatha Shetty as he took my plaints lightly'

Tejraj, a furniture supplier to government offices, is said to have been angered by the Lokayukta’s dismissal of several complaints filed by him against various government officials. 

BENGALURU: “Instead of giving a proper reply to my queries regarding my complaints, Lokayukta Justice P Vishwanatha Shetty use to send me back and laugh at me every time I visited his office. That was very irritating and (that) provoked me to stab him,” 33-year-old Tejraj Sharma, who stabbed Lokayukta Justice Vishwanatha Shetty at his office on March 7, 2018, said in his statement before the CCB officials. This is part of the chargesheet submitted before the 8th ACMM Court, recently. 

Seventy-four-year-old Justice Shetty sustained injuries in his chest, abdomen, left hand and right thigh and superficial scratches on his face in the attack. Tejraj, a furniture supplier to government offices, is said to have been angered by the Lokayukta’s dismissal of several complaints filed by him against various government officials. 

Justice Shetty returned to office a few weeks ago after recovering from the attack. 
The chargesheet, running into 230 pages, has the statements of 58 witnesses and 148 documents. The chargesheet, filed by the Investigating Officer DCP (Crime-2), CCB, revealed that Tejraj was disappointed as the Lokayukta allegedly closed three of his complaints terming them as ‘baseless’.

According to sources, Tejraj deposed before the investigating officer that he decided to kill Justice Shetty as he was unable to tolerate the alleged injustice meted out to him. Further, he said he tried to kill Justice Shetty to achieve justice. He justified his act by quoting the Bhagavad Gita, saying that he fought against ‘Adharma’.

Ire against person who sold blunt knife
The chargesheet also revealed Tejraj Sharma’s ire against the person who sold him ‘blunt’ knife that was used to stab Justice Shetty. Tejraj disclosed that he had bought the knife from one Ramanna at Sunday Bazaar in Chickpet. He said Ramanna cheated him by selling a blunt knife for K60, according to chargesheet.

Tejraj to argue the case on his own
As none of the advocates have come forward to defend him in the court, Tejraj has decided to argue his case on his own, sources said, while quoting his statement to the CCB. 

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