BENGALURU: At least 60 educators from across the state participated in a day-long workshop for career counsellors, teachers, school principals and university stakeholders organised at the Vidyashilp Academy in the city on Saturday. The 2018 International Career and College Counselling (IC3) Regional Forum saw workshops on issues that directly affect the growing student population in India.
At the conference, career counsellors and university representatives from around the world exchanged ideas which are driving the latest global trends in the field of career counselling. Ways to incorporate global insights into India’s education system were also discussed and participants emphasized the importance of creating a conducive environment for students to explore their interests while relying on their innate strengths. Delegates agreed that there was an urgent need to set up counselling offices in high schools considering the growing multiplicity of career options amid increasing uncertanity about future opportunities.
According to industry reports, 86% of students were worried about their choice of subjects for higher education. A whopping 92% said that they were not given career-related guidance from their schools.
“Navigating the aspirations of students through the ever-changing landscape of college admissions is not a task to be done in isolation. The IC3 regional forum is an unified effort,” said Kiran Pai, Director of Vidyashilp Academy, at the launch of the conference.
The main aim of the IC3 Regional Forum is to discover ways to provide access to holistic counseling practices to students across the country. Apart from India, these regional forums will be held at local high schools across South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East countries.