Bangalore University to open hostel exclusively for North Eastern girl students in December

A dedicated hostel for North Eastern girl students pursuing various courses under Bangalore University (BU) is all set to be inaugurated in December.
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BENGALURU: A dedicated hostel for North Eastern girl students pursuing various courses under Bangalore University (BU) is all set to be inaugurated in December. The hostel, where over 2,000 student can be accommodated, is constructed on a 5.5 acre land at the Jnana Bharathi campus of BU.
This idea of constructing a hostel for North Eastern girl students had come up after a student from Arunachal Pradesh was attacked in New Delhi, back in 2014. Considering that there are more number of students pursuing courses in Bengaluru, the North Eastern Council approached BU authorities and requested for the land at Jnana Bharathi campus.

“It has been signed considering the safety of students from North Eastern states studying at our university campus and also at the affiliated colleges,” said a senior official of BU. However, over 25% of the seats at this hostel will be reserved for local students.

The hostel is built in association with the North Eastern Council, which funded the construction, while BU provided the land. “The dates of the inauguration will be decided soon. It will be in December,” mentioned an official. BU will be the first varsity in Karnataka to come up with an exclusive hostel for North Eastern girl students. According to the North East Welfare Association, there are over 3.5 lakh North Eastern people in Karnataka.

Hostel at a glance

  • Estimated cost Rs 13 crore

  • Menu will be decided after the inauguration and is likely to feature  North Eastern dishes

  • Completely free accommodation

  • CCTVs will be installed for safety of students

  • Timings will be fixed considering students’ safety

  • Hostel monitoring committee will be set up

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