BENGALURU : The pitter patter of rain and cloudy beautiful skies can make anyone jump with joy. While rain brings in happiness, it can stress the hair too. So here are some tips, tricks and expert advice to swim through the muddy pool and keep your hair in good health.
Rain can make the scalp oily, hair dry and frizzy at the ends. So, avoid using excess conditioner and serums for they weigh the mane down. Use conditioners only through the length of the hair. “During monsoon, the spike of humidity in the air tends to make your hair limp, frizzy, and dull while the scalp may get oilier sooner than usual. Rainwater is generally acidic in nature, therefore it becomes necessary to go for a hair care routine that does not involve the use of chemicals. It is imperative that you choose a regime that is suitable for your hair type and moisturises your strands enough so that it does not attract moisture from the air,” says Dr Urvi Singh, a derma expert. Here are some more tips:
Say no to heat treatments
The heating tools or straighteners compound hair problems although they look like the go-to solution. Moisture-laden air will make hair wavy again while heating would further dry it up. Instead make some creative hair styles. Also, do not bleach hair in monsoons, it strips off your cuticles and makes hair even more frizzy and dry sucking out all the moisture.
Use oil
Grandma’s hair oil application tip still works wonders but it’s best to oil not more than once or twice a week. Rain can make your scalp itchy or flaky so mix some neem oil in the coconut oil. You can even ditch coconut oil for the elixirs made of flowers and seeds oil that are lightweight. A last wash with neem leaf water helps with the health of scalp.
Hair masques to the rescue
This helps with frizz. You can mix some oil in the masque to add lustre. Sahil Mehta, founder, St. Botanica says, “It’s essential for a brand to consider your specific hair type to achieve your personal hair goals and cater to different hair needs. Shampoos, conditioners or masques must be designed to promote optimal hair health that is sulphate, phthalates, and paraben free.”
Snip, snip
It’s time to go for that much needed haircut that you have been planning to give your hair a healthy bounce.