BENGALURU: Blood disorders can be collectively grouped as disorders in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system and their uncontrolled growth is referred to as blood cancer. When the body’s red blood cells, which have oxygen carrying capacity or white blood cells , which are soldiers and fight germs; or platelet, which help in preventing excess bleeding, are unusual or abnormal, blood cancer develops. All these cells arise as stem cells or progenitor cells in the bone marrow.
The normal functioning, growth, and development of these blood cells are disrupted in the marrow and cause cancer. Broadly, this group of cancers include lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, myeloproliferative neoplasms and myelodysplastic syndromes.
Lymphomas are lymph node cancers and constitute about 60-65% of all blood cancers. Lymphomas are also one of the most treatable cancers and occur in all age groups. Leukemias are cancers of the white blood cells and constitute roughly 20%. Myeloma is a plasma cell neoplasm and constitute 5-10 % of all blood cancers.
Myth: Leukemia affects only children
Fact: Leukemia is cancer of the white blood cells and is broadly of two types: acute and chronic. The most common childhood leukemia is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL ). But ALL can happen in adults as well. Adults can have acute myeloid leukemia, chronic lymphatic leukemia or chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Some of these respond dramatically to oral therapy as well and thus have launched the era of precision drugs in oncology (Imatinib for CML which is a wonder drug).
Myth: Blood cancer is caused by/ presents like anemia
Fact:Anemia can be one of the manifestations of cancer. However, often anemia is due to iron deficiency (blood loss or nutritional) or other deficiencies like B12 deficiency in vegetarians or folate deficiency. Blood cancer can present as bleeding manifestations like bruising, infections due to abnormal WBC number or function or anemia. Other symptoms of blood cancer can include fatigue, fever, body pains (bone pains). Myeloma can present with kidney disfunction or even fractures.
Myth: Leukemia and blood cancer are the same
Fact: There are three main type of blood cancers: leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma besides other minor types. Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects all white blood cells and prevent them from performing their primary function of fighting infections and these abnormal cells are also found in blood. This is commonly seen in young children under the age of 15.
Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system and lymph nodes that mostly affects lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell. It is typically diagnosed in people between the ages of 15 and 35, as well as those over 50.
Myeloma is cancer that affects the plasma cells, which is a type of white blood cell that produces antibodies to protect the body from infection. The immune system is weakened and prone to infections because of this cancer.
Myth: It is believed that if one has family history of cancer, then one will decidedly get cancer/blood cancer
Fact: Most individuals with a family history of cancer do not have a higher chance of having cancer, but those with a family history of certain conditions like HBOC (Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer) do. They need to get themselves checked to look for possible solutions by genetic counselling and sometimes genetic testing (blood/ saliva tests). Certain blood cancers can be related to genetic conditions like Li Fraumeni syndrome and down syndrome causing leukemias besides other conditions. About 4% of blood cancers could have some genetic link.
Myth: A bone marrow transplant is required for all individuals with blood cancer.
Fact: Not all patients with blood cancer require a transplant. The need of a bone marrow transplant is evaluated individually based on their underlying diagnosis, treatment response, and tumor genetic profile. Patients’ response to treatment in cases of acute leukemia has improved thanks to cutting-edge genetic profiling technologies combined with innovative tailored medication.
Myth: Blood cancer is almost always fatal
Fact: Infact blood cancers are one of the most treatable subsets of cancer and curable in many cases. Treatment success rates are dramatically improving, and patients are living longer than ever before, thanks to the cutting-edge research. There are currently a variety of personalized therapeutic agents that have proved effective in treating blood cancer. These include chemotherapy, radiation, targeted therapy/ biologics, bone marrow transplantation (matched-donor/ haplo- ident ical etc) and immunotherapy.
It is strongly encouraged to seek medical help from a skilled medical professional. Early detection of cancer increases the chances of a complete cure.
Director at Medical Oncology and Hemato- Oncology, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road, Bangalore