Ahead of Valentine’s Day, rose demand, sales, and price shoot up

As the government has relaxed the restrictions for gatherings and functions, the demand for flowers, especially roses, has shot up.
Visitors check out an installation to mark the upcoming Valentine’s Day, at Garuda Mall in Bengaluru on Friday | Vinod Kumar T
Visitors check out an installation to mark the upcoming Valentine’s Day, at Garuda Mall in Bengaluru on Friday | Vinod Kumar T

BENGALURU: Flowers are blooming everywhere, not just in parks and gardens, but even in stores. The demand, sales, supply and the price of roses have shot up this year, as compared to last year, which still had the fear of Covid pandemic hovering.

It is not just because of Valentine’s Day, but also due to the rise in demand for weddings and other functions post the pandemic, point out florists and members of flower traders’ associations. As the government has relaxed the restrictions for gatherings and functions, the demand for flowers, especially roses, has shot up.

According to a member of the International Flowers Auction Bangalore Limited, last year during the Valentine week (from February 8-13) 4.25 lakh rose stems were sold, this year already 5.50 lakh stems have flown off the shelves.

Also, the price per stem has seen a rise. “Last year, the cost of one rose stem was Rs 32 and this year, a stem costs anywhere between Rs 25 and 30 and by February 12-13 it will go up to Rs 40. Because of the pandemic last year, the celebrations, gatherings and festivities were less. This year that does not seem to be the case and the demand is rising,” he added.

Members of various trade bodies said there has been an increase in demand not just in the domestic market, but also in the international market. Traders said there are 40 varieties and colours of roses, of which four to five are most in demand during the Valentine week. The most sought after is the Taj Mahal variety, which is dark bright red in colour. Of the total 5.50 lakh stems sold so far, 2.5 lakh are of Taj Mahal variety. Of these, 1.5-1.9 lakh are for Valentine’s Day and the rest for decorations. Coming close second is the Hot Spot variety.

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