BENGALURU: The Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited on Tuesday announced that Metro commuters can carry a foldable bicycles in the last coach of Metro trains during their travel without any luggage charge. The move was widely welcomed by public with MP P C Mohan urging BMRCL to permit the normal cycle too.
An official release said the size of the foldable bicycle should not exceed 60 cm x 45 cm x 25 cm in dimension and not exceeding 15 kg in weight. “It will be subjected to security check through the baggage scanner during entry,” the release said.
Bengaluru Central MP P C Mohan told TNIE, “Bengaluru lacks first and last mile connectivity from its stations. So, I suggest BMRCL must allow all models of cycles, too, on board to facilitate that. Kochi Metro has done it and we can emulate that.” The MP in a tweet said, “Foldable bicyles under 15 kgs could be unaffordable to many citizens in Bengaluru. Therefore, all types of bicyles to improve last mile connectivity.” The move created quite a buzz on twitter with many lauding it.