BENGALURU: The Karnataka High Court on Friday quashed the circular issued by the Department of School Education and Literacy to change the assessment method for Classes 5 and 8 students for the academic year 2022-23. The department wanted to conduct exams through the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) instead of school-level assessment, as was done till the previous academic year.
Justice Pradeep Singh Yerur passed the order while allowing petitions by the Organisation for Unaided Recognised Schools, Registered Unaided Private Schools’ Management Association Karnataka and others, challenging the circular dated December 12, 2022.
The court also quashed the communication dated January 4, 2023, issued by the Commissioner of Public Instructions, pursuant to the impugned circular. Therefore, the performance of students appearing for exams commencing on March 13, will have to be assessed at the school level, as per the existing mechanism.
The court orally observed that quashing the circular does not mean the state government cannot bring in a mechanism, but it shall bring it in the next academic year by following the prescribed procedure. Though it appreciated and lauded the state government for bringing in a proper mechanism for assessment, considering the mushrooming of schools in every district, the court said it is necessary that the state government follows proper procedure.