BENGALURU: The police investigating the Renukaswamy murder case, in which actor Darshan Thoogudeepa was arrested, have received the report from the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL). It confirms the matching of fingerprints of 10 accused. The fingerprints were collected at the scene of crime and on the murder weapons and a vehicle that was used to dispose of the body.
The forensic report is said to have confirmed the victim’s blood stains on the clothes of six main accused. Clothes, footwear and leather items, which the six accused were wearing at the time of the incident, were recovered from their respective houses after their arrests.
The email copy of the report was sent to the investigators on Monday evening, and City Police Commissioner B Dayananda reportedly held a meeting with them late on Monday evening.
According to police sources, the findings in the FSL report will bring more trouble for the 47-year-old actor, who has been lodged at Bengaluru Central Prison since June 22. However, it is not the final FSL report and the report is just 70 per cent and the remaining 30 per cent is yet to come from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Hyderabad. The recovered clothes were reportedly washed and the shoes were also cleaned. Despite this, the luminol test managed to find the victim’s blood stains on the clothes and shoes of the accused, sources said.
Luminol tests detect trace amounts of blood that would be undetectable for the naked eye. The report also reportedly confirmed the blood on the rope, wooden sticks and the vehicle that was used to dispose of the body at the Summanahalli stormwater drain.
The police officers have managed to collect over 200 crucial pieces of evidence which will make the case strong and the chances of the 17 accused getting bail very difficult. Even the postmortem report has reportedly confirmed that the victim died due to shock and haemorrhage as a result of multiple blunt injuries.