BENGALURU: With Independence Day, Varamahalakshmi and Raksha Bandhan all falling in a row and providing the luxury of an extended weekend, many Bengalureans have embraced the chance for a much-needed escape. This has sparked a surge in travel plans, with destinations both within India and abroad experiencing high demand. For many, it’s not merely about the destination, but rather the chance to step away from the daily grind to find a moment of peace and rejuvenation.
Bia Sandhu, a busy working professional, viewed the long weekend as a golden opportunity to disconnect and recharge. “Life is so hectic, there’s no time to breathe,” she shares. Like many others, Sandhu has chosen Goa as her getaway. “We thought it would be an ideal time to escape the hustle of everyday life,” Sandhu adds. “These are the few moments in the year when we can get away with the family. The whole plan is to relax and detach from everything,” she says.
Avantika Mohapatra, a 27-year-old investment consultant, opted for a spontaneous retreat to Kodaikanal. Her decision was made on a whim, driven by the need to escape the relentless pace of corporate life. “I wanted to be in nature, and during a break, I prefer destinations with limited network connectivity. The purpose of this trip is to unwind mentally and take a break from the corporate grind,” says Mohapatra.
For those with a taste for adventure and only a day to spare, Sanchari, a group that organises treks across South India, planned a sunrise trek to Uttari Betta. Sara, a member of the team, explains, “Due to inconveniences and some restrictions from the government, many trekking locations have been closed for a few weeks. So, we only have a few options available now, like Uttari Betta, Nandi Hills, and Skandagiri. We are heading to Uttari Betta for a sunrise trek, and we already have 20 participants.”
However, not all travel plans have been without challenges. Amit Mishra, founder of Tripper Tales, notes that the recent floods in Wayanad have deterred many from visiting the region. “People are hesitant to travel to any part of Kerala right now because of the situation. So, we’re focusing on destinations like Puducherry, Hampi, Kodaikanal, Chikkamagaluru, and Gokarna, which are relatively less risky,” he says, adding that their tours are fully booked, with around 270 travellers set to embark on their journeys this weekend.
While domestic travel remains popular, some are venturing further afield. According to Ranjini Nambiar, founder, Footloose Yatra Consultants, a travel agency, this weekend has seen a noticeable interest in international destinations, particularly in the Far East. “Because of the Paris Olympics, there wasn’t much of a rush towards Europe. Instead, we’ve seen considerable interest in places like Kenya, Bali, and Vietnam,” she notes.