BENGALURU: It’s a woman’s world, and no one can suppress her.’ Actor-singer Sreya Muthukumar not only believes in this fundamental philosophy but also brings it to life in her single, Won’t Break for You – a powerful song that resonates with women standing strong against the world.
Muthukumar began developing the idea for the song in 2020 during the lockdown. “At that time, it was just a collection of lyrics in a notebook. I wrote around 20 songs, and it takes a lot of time to work on them. I collaborated with a friend – who is a producer – to compose them,” Muthukumar explains, noting that it took her about four years to release new music.
The song reflects the voices of many women who are expected to be perfect. “I wrote the song during the pandemic; we went through a lot. I was alone, and that experience inspired me to write something about taking control of my own narrative. That frustration can manifest in many ways, like confronting your demons and internalising negativity,” Muthukumar says, adding that she aimed to create a powerful anthem.
Muthukumar was last seen in the Amazon Prime series Akkad Bakkad Rafu Chakkar (2021). After that, she stepped away from acting and theatre to pursue further studies in the USA. “I received a scholarship from the University of Michigan for my master’s in dance and theatre. I was also awarded a grant for my thesis, which led me to Mumbai to create a music video for the song,” she shares.
The video song was released on Independence Day. “It’s a fun video where an apsara comes to life, fighting against the world’s expectations of her perfection,” says Muthukumar. Currently in Mumbai, she is already working on her next song, Gentle, which is set to be released in a few months.