BENGALURU: The Jayanagar police arrested a habitual offender, who used to crash his two-wheeler into cars and extort money from drivers. The police recovered Rs 40,000 and a two-wheeler from him.
The accused, Jameel Khan, is a resident of Rajendra Nagar. He has 17 cases registered against him at various police stations across the city.
The police said one of the victims, Karthik, filed a case against an unidentified man in June. He stated in the complaint that when he was driving home in Jayanagar 4th Block, a person blocked his car and falsely claimed that his car had hit the two-wheeler and caused damage. The person demanded money for repairs, and when Karthik refused, he hit the car with his hands and threatened Karthik.
A scared Karthik transferred Rs 30,000 online and gave Rs 300 in cash before filing a complaint at the Jayanagar police station. After analysing CCTV footage and following other leads, the police arrested Khan on August 18, and recovered Rs 4,000 and two-wheeler. Khan has a similar case against him at the Banashankari police station, the police said.