6 tips to kickstart your day with energy

Let’s dive into six tips that will transform your morning routine from groggy to glorious, with a focus on the benefits of almonds.
6 tips to kickstart your day with energy

BENGALURU: Ever woke up feeling more tired than when you went to bed? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. A few almonds can do the trick.

Let’s dive into six tips that will transform your morning routine from groggy to glorious, with a focus on the benefits of almonds.

Hydration Hero: Think of your body as a car engine – it needs fuel to kick into gear, right? So, start your day by hydrating with a glass of warm water. It’s like giving your body the jumpstart it needs. Add a slice of lemon for a refreshing twist.

Energy Boost: Add almonds to your diet to stay energetic, preferably soaked ones. Consuming almonds can help you stay active all day long. Almonds are not just a snack; they’re a powerhouse of nutrition. Packed with myriad essential nutrients, almonds provide sustained energy to keep you active. Magnesium, found in almonds, supports your body’s energy production, making them an ideal addition to your breakfast.

Power Up with Protein: Protein is the unsung hero of your morning routine. Whether it’s eggs, yogurt, or a protein-packed almond smoothie, make sure to include this superhero nutrient in your breakfast. It’s like laying a solid foundation for your day.

Breakfast Bonanza: Your breakfast is the superhero ensemble that sets the tone for the day. Load up on fruits, veggies, and whole grains to provide your body with essential nutrients. Toss in a handful of almonds for an added burst of energy.

Move Your Body: Feeling like a morning slug? Time to shake it off! Engage in some form of physical activity, be it a quick workout or a stretch session. It’s like waking up your body and mind for the challenges ahead.

Mindful Moments: Before the chaos ensues, take a few moments for mindfulness. Breathe deeply, clear your mind, and set positive intentions for the day, ensuring you start your day on a calm and focused note.

There you have it – six tips to banish morning fatigue. Here’s to energised mornings and making fatigue a thing of the past.

(The writer is a nutritionist)

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