BENGALURU: Karnataka, which has many feathers in its cap, added one more on Thursday with the Central government announcing that the state tops the table on the number of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and that Bangalore Electricity Supply Corporation Limited (Bescom) limits is the largest contributor.
According to a release from the office of Energy Minister KJ George: “As per data from the Central government, Karnataka has 3.31lakh EVs and 5,059 charging stations. Delhi has 2.74lakh EVs and 1,886 charging stations, Uttar Pradesh has 7.45lakh EVs with 583 charging stations, Tamil Nadu has 2.20lakh EVs and 643 charging stations, Kerala has 1.39lakh EVs and 958 charging stations, Maharashtra has 4.15lakh vehicles and 3,079 charging stations and Rajasthan has 2.33lakh vehicles and 500 charging stations.”
An official from Bescom, not wanting to be named, said: “Though the number of EVs is low, the number of charging stations is high. All the charging stations that are set up have to be uploaded on the EV Yatra portal that is under the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, managed by the Ministry of Power. It shows that Karnataka has the largest number of charging stations in the country. This list includes the ones installed in corporate firms, apartments, commercial, public and private spaces.”
Plug in on highway
There is also a proposal before the Central government, seeking permission to set up charging stations on highways, at toll gates and in public places along the highway. Places have been identified along stretches coming under National Highways, and have been placed before the Centre for clearance. For stretches under state highways, the proposal is yet to be submitted. 2,880 charging stations have been planned .