BENGALURU: With the BBMP contractors going on strike over the Palike reportedly withholding 25 per cent of the bill amount due to them, until April 2021, the contractors association on Tuesday said the 15-day deadline given to BBMP Chief Commissioner Tushar Girinath by Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar to fix over 2,500 potholes will be impacted. Apart from this, the Rs1,800-crore white-topping work on all major roads and stormwater drain work, will also be hit, BBMP Working Contractors’ Association president KT Manjunath said.
Over 700 contractors are expected to take part in a protest at Freedom Park on Wednesday. “We have got police permission for a day’s agitation. We will observe a hunger strike, and later, will rope in garbage contractors too. We are only demanding our rightful money, which the BBMP is not releasing, despite the DCM’s order,” said Manjunath.
He also added that since many contractors have decided to go on strike, the deployment of mobile tankers and support staff for the Ganesha idol immersion at pre-decided Kalyanis, will also take a hit.