Return of Trump mama

Among friends and family, a strange fear has emerged. Cousins in the US are scared, while younger ones aspiring to go abroad are now seeking entrepreneurial opportunities within the country itself.
Return of Trump mama
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3 min read

BENGALURU: He is back. The orange haired messiah of millions, a highly divisive figure for an equal number of people. Donald Trump has returned as President of The United States – often abbreviated as POTUS. Personally, I have always felt the acronym POTUS doesn’t do justice to the power of the POTUS.

POTUS sounds like a vegetable you can fry and eat, that grows under the ground, unlike its prettier cousin – the lotus. However, half the people I know on social media are of the opinion that the return of Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen – a veritable death of democracy as it exists in the US.

The other half of my social contacts are mighty pleased, celebrating the moment as the greatest thing to have happened since the invention of Britannia Jim-Jam. The funny thing is that people on both sides of the argument are EXTREMELY sure of their opinions.

These are friends who take 35 minutes to decide a restaurant to order from. They were all mostly apolitical all their lives, but their recent opinions are firm and unwavering. I don’t know as I grow older, I find myself less and less assured of my own opinions.

Among friends and family, there is a strange kind of fear that has crept in. Cousins in the US are scared, and the younger ones aspiring to go ‘abroad’ have begun looking for entrepreneurial opportunities in the country itself. The older generation seems the most afraid. Ironically, these were the most fiercely patriotic people I know.

Hriday Ranjan
Hriday Ranjan

Uncles, aunts, and neighbourhood elders who would share patriotic messages and posts, often tagging me in places I didn’t want to get tagged in. Unfortunately, they are unable to digest that they are caught in the crossfires of another nation’s show of patriotism. But I am not very sure!

Yours truly of course, has seen Donald Trump in many avatars. As the host of a reality TV show called The Apprentice, where contestants tried to get a job, and Trump fired one contestant in every episode with his catchphrase – ‘You’re Fired!’. I always felt bad for those contestants. To get fired is one thing. But to get fired in front of the entire world, with close up shots and dramatic music.

That must make it difficult for them to adjust to jobs later in life. But like I said, I’m not very sure! We also saw him as a guest on WWE – running a storyline where he eventually shaves the head of CEO Vince McMahon. Or for his famous buildings and Trump towers. Knowing real estate companies in India, I have always felt that someone who has worked in real estate can do any job in the world. But then, I’m not very sure.

As you read this column, there are at least three major global conflicts going on. This is keeping aside the smaller conflicts that are going on between nations. It feels like the entire world is a part of a global football club tournament. With intercontinental conflicts working their way up to a World Cup final – a Third World War.

In such a time, perhaps the future of the world depends upon Trump’s actions. As Indians, one hopes the relations between India and US are stable. One hopes Modiji is on good terms with Mr Trump, and doesn’t introduce him as ‘Doland Trump’ like he did the last time. The world is boiling right now, and anything could set the world on fire. Of that, I am very sure!

Hriday Ranjan

Urban Bourbon

(Writer, comedian)

(The author’s views are personal)

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