Bigyan Prabha Gantayat selling vegetables at Satya Nagar on Friday | Express
Bigyan Prabha Gantayat selling vegetables at Satya Nagar on Friday | Express

This Odisha autorickshaw driver now sells veggies to make ends meet

A number of individuals, dependent of daily income to meet day-to-day needs of their family, have now switched professions to eke out a living during this crisis.

BHUBANESWAR: Struggling to manage two meals for their family during the lockdown, people from economically weaker groups in the Capital are now compelled to look for alternatives to survive in these testing times.A number of individuals, dependent of daily income to meet day-to-day needs of their family, have now switched professions to eke out a living during this crisis.

Bigyan Prabha Gantayat, an auto-rickshaw driver by profession, is now a vegetable seller near Satya Nagar flyover. “The owner of the auto-rickshaw took away the vehicle from me after the lockdown was imposed. Though some voluntary organisations offered dry food and ration for some days, it was not sufficient and I had to do something to make ends meet for my family,” Gantayat said. He manages to earn `200 to `300 a day by selling vegetables. “Though it is only half of what I used to earn driving auto-rickshaw, I have to understand the situation and adjust,” he added.

Like Gantayat, Basant Kumar Bisoyi is another auto driver who is now selling vegetables on the City streets for a living. “Apart from making ends meet, I also have a loan to repay for which I decided to sell vegetables,” said Bisoyi, the sole bread-earner of his family.

Apart from vegetables, some people from the lower income groups have also stared selling fruits and groceries to earn livelihood. Bisoyi said many of his friends are selling essentials in different localities to earn the bread and butter of their family.

Besides, youths who were working in malls and stores are also opting for home delivery service which has been allowed during the lockdown period to provide essentials to households at their doorstep.

The New Indian Express