BHUBANESWAR: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday virtually launched the first luxury houseboat in Chilika lake. The houseboat, named ‘Garuda’, has been put into service by Vikas Eco Resorts at an investment of Rs 3 crore. The houseboat can be initially booked from the Panthanivas at Barkul and later introduced at Satapada.
There are two suites and four premium rooms and a bar-restaurant on the boat. It has also an open-air lobby on the upper deck for meetings and conferences. There is also a small swimming pool for children.
The packages include overnight stay along with full board meals, activities and cruise covering different islands in Chilika.
Launching the houseboat, the Chief Minister said in a video message that the initiative will improve the profile of the Chilika lake and attract national and international tourists to the State. He said Chilika lake is a major biodiversity hotspot in the country and has potential to transform Odisha as an attractive tourist destination. “My government is keen to develop Odisha as a major ecotourism destination of the country,” he added.