Meaning of God
As God has no form, no religion, he is a super natural power, which is present in every human and it is called Self Conscious. It may consist of good qualities, which thrive within us. God dwells in all our good thoughts and deeds. Secondly, I believe that work is worship! One of the greatest lessons I have learnt in my life is to pay as much attention to the means of work as to its end. I have always been learning great lessons from that one principle and that has been a secret of my success as well!
Spiritual practices
As God is present in every one of us, service to mankind is service to God.
I don’t think that spiritual practices or any kind of rituals are required to worship Him. If you respect fellow beings, it shows you respect God.
Spiritual experience
When I had lot of failures and obstacles in life, I thanked God for giving it to me. It’s because of these failures that I gained strength to attain my goal and reach new heights in my life. And every day I do thank the Almighty for leading me all the way!
Pilgrimage sites
People say pilgrimage sites are heavenly, holy etc. But the reality is that temples, mosques or churches are built to give us peace and harmony.
And there is a belief that visiting these holy places would reduce our problems. I have to agree that going to holy places not only brings peace but also hope in us to face the external world.
Lastly, before doing anything, pause for a second and just assume that someone is watching you to repay.
Then, everything will go well. Heaven or hell, it is not after death, you will face it before your last breath. So, be good and do good.
(Ganeshan, also known by the nickname Jim Carrey of India, is a renowned dancer and mimic.)