Attend to your pearly whites immediately

Your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your body. But sometimes easily identifiable oral care problems can make you selfconscious.
Teeth image used for representation
Teeth image used for representation

CHENNAI: Your oral health can speak volumes about the rest of your body. But sometimes easily identifiable oral care problems can make you self-conscious. Here are some common oral problems and simple rituals to keep them at bay.

Problem: Bad breath

If you don’t brush your teeth properly daily, food particles can remain in your mouth, promoting bacterial growth between teeth, gums and on the tongue which causes bad breath.

Expert solution: Use fresh breath toothpaste and mouthwash. Although they are designed to mask bad breath, they do not eliminate the problem. Take professional dental care and follow dentist’s advice.

Problem: Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. It won’t go away on its own and will worsen over time.

Expert solution: It can be treated and there’s an easy solution to get rid of it. Switch to a specially formulated desensitising toothpaste. If the problem persists, visit a dentist.

Problem: Plaque on teeth

Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth and contains millions of bacteria. They cause tooth decay and gum disease if they are not removed regularly through brushing and flossing. Food particles, especially sugars, stick to it and it enables bacteria to grow and produce acid. Plaque holds the acid against the tooth surface, which, when not removed, will eventually work on the tooth enamel, causing a cavity.

Expert solution: Brush and floss every day. Toothpaste that attacks plaque, it in fact, fights the germs that cause cavities.

Problem: Cavities

Tooth decay can happen at any age. Even teeth that already have fillings are at risk. Plaque can build up underneath a chipped filling and cause new decay.

Expert solution: Visit your dentist regularly. They can talk to you about your symptoms, locate the cavities and treat it.

Problem: Sensitive/ bleeding gums

Bacteria formed in the mouth due to plaque may cause your gums to become inflamed, which results in redness or bleeding.

Expert solution: For many, bleeding of gums occurs during and after brushing. You may feel that brushing harder will remove more leftover food and the bacteria, but a gentle brushing is all that is needed. Choose the right toothbrush, preferably a soft one. When you brush too hard, it can wear down the enamel and also damage the gums. Aggressive brushing is a leading contributor of sensitive teeth.

(The writer is an aesthetic dental surgeon)

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