The event was organised by British Council Chennai  D Sampathkumar
The event was organised by British Council Chennai  D Sampathkumar

Medical, legal aid to 'queer' at the click of a button

The LGBTQIA+ community has often faced and still faces discrimination when it comes to accessing basic healthcare and legal aid.

CHENNAI: The LGBTQIA+ community has often faced and still faces discrimination when it comes to accessing basic healthcare and legal aid. In an attempt to provide queer-friendly medical and legal services across the country at the click of a button, Varta Trust, Kolkata; Grindr for Equality, Los Angeles, and SAATHII, Chennai, developed an online locator. A recent event organised by the British Council Chennai marked the launch of the locator in the city, as part of ‘Reach Out’, a multimedia campaign.  

“The 377 verdict is definitely a reason to celebrate, but the reading down of the section is ultimately a small step. Social attitudes are going to change and we wanted to be ready with help to address the issues queer people face with respect to access to legal aid and health care,” said Pawan Dhall, founding trustee of Varta Trust.

The locator is an effort to address the numerous queries on health concerns and complaints of rights violations which the Varta webzine has been receiving from its readers since its establishment in 2013. “There were cases when people from the community weren’t aware of the laws and required legal aid. But, there was no proper forum to find a queer sensitive legal aid. We received several queries from across the country, since December 2013 when Section 377, criminalising homosexuality, was upheld by the Supreme Court. That’s when we felt the need for an online locator for people,” said Pawan.

The information of all service providers included in the database has been validated through a process involving information referees and/or direct interface with service providers. Detailed self-administered questionnaires and other forms of cross-checking were used for the process. Those service providers had the best of information levels, systems and attitudes in relation to queer individuals, who have been marked with a blue marker on the locator. Many queer support groups have worked towards community-sourcing referral lists of service providers that contributed to this database.

Addressing the need for mental health professionals to become aware and sensitive towards the community, he said, “Recently, the Indian Psychiatric Society stated that homosexuality is not a mental illness. Hopefully, medical professionals treat queer people in a respectful manner,” he added.

A panel discussion on ‘Beyond the decriminalisation verdict — scenario of LGBTQIA rights and health’ with Dr Hema Tharoor, psychiatrist; Poonguzhali Balasubramanian, advocate; Felix, member of Orinam and Shyam Balasubramanian, a transmasculine person, moderated by Brindaalakshmi K, campaign manager, threw light on the medical and legal issues faced by the community.
For details, visit:

Support groups
Humsafar Trust, Mumbai; Orinam, Chennai; Sahodaran, Chennai and Shamakami, Shillong are a few of the service providers

The New Indian Express