Chennai: The healing touch of a green thumb

With her passion towards greens, Lavannya Goradia's first experience with gardening was eight years ago and since then nature has been her key to healing.
Gardening helped Lavannya Goradia discover other passions as well
Gardening helped Lavannya Goradia discover other passions as well

CHENNAI: There isn’t much that Lavannya Goradia has aimed for and not achieved. From being an aspiring architect and nailing her gardening passion with her entrepreneurial skills to penning down her planting knowledge through her blogs, Goradia shares her unique agendas where she believes sustainability is life and how adoption is better than ownership.

Earning her passion towards greens from Oliver Jamie, Goradia began her tryst with gardening eight years ago and since then nature has been her key to healing. “When I was a kid, I observed how my grandmom would take care of her plants. Each attempt to help or give advice had her telling me to do what I want when I grow my own garden! Today, I understand why she said that,” recalled Goradia, adding that nature has always been a healer.

Over the years, she was able to amass immense knowledge about gardening. Her first piece of advice would always be to leave plants alone as they know how to grow naturally, and often help each other multiply. Her garden comprises strawberries, yellow cherry tomatoes, Italian and Thai basil, sage and brinjals.

The list doesn’t end here since she has also adopted land for okras, sweet potatoes, onions, broad beans, Malabar spinach, snake gourd, amaranth, radishes, papayas and pumpkins. Mangoes will make an appearance too, she adds.

Gardening helped Goradia discover other passions as well, which has been a life-changing experience for her. “I started writing about it, experimented with the greens and have had the honour to present a lecture on it.

It has been a happy and blissful journey that has healed and empowered me,’ she said.Before signing off, she adds that one must try growing their own food. “Adopt a piece of land with no intention of owning it. Contribute to it by giving it your time and then leave it up to nature, it will definitely proffer you more,” she mentioned.

‘Mangoes will make an appearance too’

Lavannya Goradia’s garden comprises strawberries, yellow cherry tomatoes, Italian and Thai basil, sage and brinjals. The list doesn’t end here since she has also adopted land for okras, sweet potatoes, onions, broad beans, Malabar spinach, snake gourd, amaranth, radishes, papayas and pumpkins. Mangoes will make an appearance too, she says, adding that one must try growing their own food.

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