CHENNAI: This project is a global movement for a global cause. It’s a one-of-a-kind art, science, and social initiative. People from all parts of the country have contributed with an aim to spread awareness on climate change and serious threats faced by the planet. Hundreds of artists from 65 countries accompanied by 50 instrumentalists will feature in the video,” shares musician Chitravina N Ravikiran, ahead of the release of ‘Climatrix Symphony’ — an anthem for the planet today on the World Environment Day.
Need for immediate action
The first version of the piece is being launched online from different countries, in partnership with media houses and other cultural, educational and charity organisations. “It will also be sent to decision makers in governments and leading corporates across the world. The planet is beyond politics. We need to take immediate action before 2030 when actions become irreversible. As caregivers and caretakers, it’s our responsibility to provide a friendly planet to the subsequent generation,” he says.The music production by Planet Symphony Orchestra (PSO), the brainchild of Ravikiran was initiated on March 5.
Music for an impact
This eight-minute, 12-part, 72-scale Climatrix Symphony highlights the disconcerting rapidity with which our planet is undergoing dissonant changes, resulting in random and severe weather patterns all over the world. Hundreds of star performers and students of different genres of music from the USA, UK, Brazil, India, China, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, among others have recorded.The performers who will feature in the anthem include Glen Velez, Sacramento Youth Symphony, Pete Lockett, TV Gopalakrishnan, Royal Hartigan, Chitravina N Ravikiran, Karaikkudi Mani, Kadri Gopalnath, Eduardo Pirozzi, Kala Ramnath, Tarun Bhattacharya, Kadri Gopalnath and Emilija Kercan.“This is a shift from art-for-entertainment to art-for-environment to inspire preemptive climate action and raise funds for realistic climate solutions,” explains Ravikiran.
The big picture
At a broader level, the PSO is a symphony of climate-scientists, actors, dancers, art promoters, and other professionals, who aim to apply art to broadcast and complement science to raise awareness about aspects relating to climate crisis through events and allow people to engage in environmental initiatives.
“The PSO is a symphony of people for the planet. This recording is our unified voice in artistic solidarity with billions all over the world including millions of students who have been deeply anguished by the climate change crises,” says Ravikiran.
The PSO is planning a series of Events for the Environment (EfE) in various parts of the world in collaboration with corporations and environmental NGOs that bring scientists, artists, business and social leaders on the same platform to achieve its goals.
Planet Symphony Day
● The city of Middleton, Wisconsin, USA has decided to proclaim June 22 as Planet Symphony Day as recognition to all artists, members, students, and supporters of the PSO.
An art-science initiative
● With 2,000 international and national award-winning artists, scientists, journalists, environmentalists, business and social leaders as well as students from 60 countries, the Planet Symphony Orchestra is the world’s leading art-science initiative.
● The Planet Symphony Orchestra consists of celebrated performers, ensembles, orchestras, and students (of diverse countries and systems of music) that records or performs music aimed to highlight social issues common to mankind, like global warming.
To view the video, visit the YouTube channel: Chitravina N Ravikiran Genius at Work