Chennai: Private school maths teacher shares porn on school WhatsApp group, arrested

A maths teacher of a private school in the city was arrested under the POCSO Act by all-women police for allegedly sharing pornographic material in the WhatsApp group for Class 12 students. 
Image for representational purpose only. ( Express Illustration)
Image for representational purpose only. ( Express Illustration)

CHENNAI:  A maths teacher of a private school in the city was arrested under the POCSO Act by all-women police for allegedly sharing pornographic material in the WhatsApp group for Class 12 students. 
The suspect, R Mathivanan of Ambattur, had been teaching mathematics in the school for over a decade and prepared Class 12 students for public exams, said the police. 

On Friday night, he shared pornographic material in the WhatsApp group, which had both girls and boys of Class 12 and was used for online classes. Fellow teachers and the students in the group were shocked and alerted school authorities. During the internal inquiry, Mathivanan allegedly informed school management that he was unaware of the video since he was under the influence of alcohol. 

Based on a complaint by the school, police arrested Mathivanan under the POCSO Act and IT Act and remanded him in judicial custody. Police said Mathivanan is married and lives with his family in Ambattur.

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The New Indian Express