CHENNAI: FICCI Tamil Nadu State Council in association with IIM-Trichy hosted the first-ever Awards ceremony which felicitated the HR Managers and the team who had excelled in their fields. The event saw the participation from hundreds of companies and the winners were announced on Sunday.
The event was chaired by Justice N Kirubakaran, Madras High Court, PK Singh, director, IIM-Trichy; GSK Velu, chairman, FICCI-TNSC, P Sridharan, head, FICCI- TNSC, and NR Mani convenor, FICCI-TNSC HR Panel 2021.
Stringent criteria were followed to decide the winners. The three stages of journey at organisational level that was taken into consideration for selecting the winners were improving existing practices, discovering and adapting global practice and not becoming imitator but an original thinker. For individual level, working for profit, people and planet coupled with strategic innovation, organisational change and capability building, right application of HR practices and efficient HR practices were the factors that were considered for selecting the winners.
Awards were given for SME Best HR Practices, SME Best HR Leader, Large Corporates Best HR Executive, Large Corporates Best HR Manager, Large Corporates Best HR Leader, Large Corporates Best HR Practices (Manufacturing), Large Corporates Best HR Practices (Healthcare Services), Large Corporates Best HR Practices (State- run PSU’s), Large Corporates Best HR Practices (IT & ITeS), Corporates Best HR Practices (Banking) and Lifetime Achievement Award.