CHENNAI: A 33-year-old man was arrested from his house in Perambur on Friday for allegedly murdering his 27-year-old partner in a lodge in Triplicane. Police said the deceased, K Jeyalakshmi, had separated from her husband and was living with her two children at her parent’s house in Choolai. She used to work at a spa centre.
She was in a relationship with the suspect, D Ruban, for the past two years. However, Ruban used to frequently fight with her suspecting her of infidelity. “On Thursday, the couple checked into a lodge in Triplicane. The next day morning, Ruban picked up a fight with her and allegedly strangled her to death. He also fled from the lodge quietly,” a police source said.
Upon communication from the lodge staff, Jeyalakshmi’s younger sister G Priyanka (26) filed a complaint with the Triplicane police. Ruban was arrested within a few hours. During their relationship, Jeyalakshmi had helped out Ruban with his alcoholism by admitting him to a rehab centre.
“However, after he completed his rehab, Ruban’s friends gossiped about her. The argument leading to the murder escalated when Ruban checked her phone,” the source added.