The Nungambakkam police in Chennai on Saturday registered a case against nearly 1,500 people, including film director Pa.Ranjth, following a protest organised by them at Valluvar Kottam in the city on Friday to condemn the murder of BSP leader K Armstrong.
Ranjith, slain BSP leader Armstrong's wife Porkodi, who is now the state coordinator of the party, and BSP state president Anandhan, were among those booked by the police for unlawful assembly and for organising the protest without police permission, a report said.
Armstrong was hacked to death by a gang outside his residence in Chennai on July 5.
Lately, police arrested a history-sheeter Nagendran in connection with the murder. Nagendran is reportedly serving a term in the Vellore Central Prison.
A suspect in the case, Thiruvengadam, was shot dead by the police in an encounter on July 13 near Madhavaram in Chennai.
The opposition including the AIADMK, the BJP and the PMK had slammed the government over the encounter killing.
Dalit movements affirm Armstrong's was a political murder. Police claim the BSP leader was murdered to avenge the killing of one Arcot Suresh on August 2023.