CHENNAI: The Chennai Corporation on Monday rolled out a QR code feature for the public to verify the authenticity of various documents issued by its revenue department such as new or revised assessments, property tax assessments, property tax name transfers, and trade licenses.
Mayor R Priya launched the initiative as part of the measures outlined in the 2023-24 and 2024-25 corporation budget announcements. Citizens can now download these documents online, make copies, and easily verify them using the embedded QR codes.
During the event, Priya distributed uniforms to National Cadet Corps and Scouts and Guides students from corporation schools. As part of the 2024-25 budget, `66 lakh was allocated for providing training and uniforms to high and higher secondary school students participating in NCC and Scouts and Guides programmes.
Uniforms worth `11.82 lakh were distributed to 400 students from across the city on Monday. Deputy Mayor M Mahesh Kumar, Commissioner J Kumaragurubaran, and officials from the revenue and education departments attended the event.