CHENNAI: A 30-year-old man was hacked to death allegedly by two of his friends in a drunken brawl near Otteri on Monday. Police said the duo chopped off his private parts and left the body in a dilapidated building where the altercation took place. They surrendered at Otteri police station on Tuesday.
Police identified the deceased man as S Syed Siraj, a daily wage labourer. On Sunday, Syed went to watch a movie. Two of his friends, Mohammad Khaleel (29) and Imran (30), who were sitting behind him, allegedly accidentally hit him on the head with their legs. This led to an argument and Syed verbally abused the duo.
On Monday afternoon, the duo took Syed for a booze session in a dilapidated building in the locality.
“As they were drinking, an argument ensued and Khaleel and Imran attacked Syed with a knife. They hacked him to death and chopped off his private parts. They surrendered before police the next day,” a police source said. The duo was placed under arrest and remanded in judicial custody. Based on information from them, the police recovered Syed’s body from the building where the crime took place.